#prayer #openyourhands #openyourheart #thedanceofprayer #sayingkaddish #kaddish #africandance #sufidance #hassidicdance #nativamericandance #danceasprayer #wordshavewings #mothersanddaughters #irmag #covid19 #missyoumom #thankyoumom
Dear G-d,
if only my heart would be
straight with You all the time,
I would be filled with joy.
And that joy would spread all the way
down to my feet,
and uplift them in dance.
Please, never let my feet falter,
release them from their heavy bonds,
and give me the strength
to dance, dance, dance..
(Likutei Tefillot I:10)
Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav -taken from the website breslov.org
I have been leading dance classes on-line during this time of Covid-19. These classes give participants (and the facilitator of the class) the opportunity to move to various rhythms and most basically said, to dance. Plain and simple, not unlike the words of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav. The simple poem above describes the stirring within which creates movement. There is nothing complicated or complex about this. One needs little. The ingredients include various types of music and people in their living rooms, in their kitchens, in their basements. Participants leave their worries at the virtual door. When the music begins the fear in their heads fade and their hearts lead the way. One never knows where the journey might lead, but perhaps, just perhaps, it will move the participant to a place of deep feeling and joyous release.
Once upon a time and to this very day there is a highway that goes directly from one's heart to one's feet or hands or hips or shoulders. Perhaps this highway is more simply paved than the many roads that lead to thoughts and worries. Bodies in motion, in response to the most basic of stimuli. The beat of a drum, the sweetness of a flute or a cry of a horn.
The Paintbrush of your Soul
Close your eyes
Hear the sounds of the music
Let your feet be your paintbrush,
the music your paint
and the floor your canvas.
Hear the prayer deep within the music
Feel it inside and let its message inspire you
To move, to create
To cry, to laugh
To let go of fear, to ignite a spark
of the Divine.
Let the beat of the drums
Pound together with the rhythm of your heart
Your pulse, your own breath's sweet sound
The music's power begins deep within you
and begins to swell like crashing waves
like the bellows of thunder
like a river flowing to the sea
Your feet are your paintbrush
The colors your choice
The canvas fills with swirls and dips
Staccato, legato, pianissimo, forte
Let the power of the percussion guide you forward
Your compass
A map that guides you
Through the maze which is your heart
Through the mountains which are your soul
Through the wind which is your might
Together, alone we form a prayer
Our feet, our hands, our shoulders, our hips

Leann, this one blew me away. What beautiful writing and what a beautiful message! I’m blessed that you are my oldest childhood friend and sister.