In Parshat Vayeleich we are on the cusp of completion of the torah. All that remains in the final Parsha (Ha'azinu) is the poem that Moshe is to read to the Jewish people before he dies on the mountaintop. In Parshat Vayeleich, God makes clear that God wishes the final wishes to be in the form of Shir, which can mean song or poem. Perhaps this is done so that the final taste of Torah, this review of what has been and what will be, from the lips of Moshe will be easier to remember. Perhaps it forces the writer to think in images instead of words about Torah and perhaps it takes the edge off the message which is a harsh message indeed.
With all of the harshness, there is hope, there is learning and there is always potential.
How fortunate we are.
Write a poem about beginnings
and write a poem about endings.
Write a poem about what was, what is
and write a poem about what can be.
Write a poem of one Creator
and write a poem about a universe.
Write a poem about individuals
and write a poem about a nation.
Write a poem about ladders
and write a poem about coats.
Write a poem about sacrifice
and write a poem about love.
Write a poem about siblings
and write a poem about jealousy.
Write a poem about dreaming
and write a poem about revenge.
Write a poem about stars in the sky
and write a poem about promises.
Write a poem about slavery
and write a poem about power.
Write a poem about transitions
and write a poem about wanderings.
Write a poem about life and death.
And write a poem about crossings.
Write a poem about mountaintops
and write a poem about law.
Write a poem about clouds and fire
and write a poem about forgiveness.
Write a poem about complaints
and write a poem about complainers.
Write a poem about golden calves
and write a poem about anger.
Write a poem about what is permitted.
and write a poem about the forbidden.
Write a poem about limits
and write a poem about the punished.
Write a poem about us
and write a poem about them.
Write a poem about spaces
and write a poem about distance.
Write a poem about innocence
and write a poem about guilt.
Write a poem that exonerates
and write a poem that incriminates.
Write a poem about satisfaction
and write a poem when it is never enough.
Write a poem about punishment
and write a poem about blood.
Write a poem about miracles
and write a poem about darkness.
Write a poem as a declaration
and write a poem as a question.
Write a poem about blessings
and write a poem about curses.
Write a poem about kindness
and write a poem about yearning.
** **
Leave a space for that which is not yet written.
Leave a space for that which was forgotten.
And leave space for that which is not forgiven.
And leave space for that which is blurry yet.
And leave a space for listening.
Leave a space for future generations.
And leave a space for learning.
And leave a space for those who came before
upon whose shoulders we rest.
And leave a space for those after us
And leave your poem for them.
Therefore, write down this poem and teach it to the people of Israel; put it in their mouths, in order that this poem may be My witness against the people of Israel.
Deuteronomy 31:19 (translation from Sefaria)