#march #april #prayer #bakashah #plead #asmarchturnstowardapril #2020 #outlikealamb #themonthofmarch #covid19 #poetry #controlstheseasons #freedom #spring #redemption #inlikealion
As March Turns Toward April
It is said that the month of March starts out like a lion
and goes out like a lamb
This year it goes out like a beast
a stalking beast
a ravenous and lunging beast
March, we bid you to leave
With a violent shove
We scatter your ashes to the wind
We won't miss you in this year of 2020
Return to us differently next year
Like a lion, like a lamb
After this is over
After we have rebuilt
April, you month of change
Temperatures dipping and rising
Grass attempts to green while the cold winds blow
What surprises do you have up your sleeve, you month of freedom?
Our faces look up to see the glow of the sun's rays
Warming our eyelids and cheeks
But we are afraid to seek out the light of day.
Afraid to breath the air, to touch the ground
Terror ripples in the wind.
April, you are the month of freedom, of spring, of rebirth
But I fear what you carry with you this year.
I fear you, month of April, month of renewal.
You, who controls the seasons
Who turns night into day and day into night
You, whom we praise each morning, noon and night
You who declares that April comes to free us, to greet the spring
to remember the beauty of freedom, of life and heroism
Keep Your promises
Allow us to taste the springtime once again
Grant us the strength to conquer the beast who
lunges at us through green grass, through blue skies and gray.
Grant health to those who fear for this month to come.
You created plagues once and swept them away
Do the same now.
Gd of freedom, of spring, of redemption
Gd who hears our prayers.
The prayers of people afraid
as March turns toward April.

What a beautifully well written poem. So poignant. I think so many people that you know and don't know would appreciate your words here. Maybe you should post it on Facebook as the new month starts so that lot's of people see it.