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Writer's pictureLeann Shamash


When I got up this morning and came downstairs I had already missed the shacharit minyan in local synagogues, so I went hunting in another time zone.

I found a service that was being broadcast from Temple Beth Shalom in Chicago so at about 8:15 AM I became part of a Chicago service. The rabbi, seen below, was alone in the sanctuary, but he did do the kaddish when the time came.

Of note, he did not do the tachanun, the prayer to ask forgiveness, which is recited most mornings. He prefaced by saying that during times of national distress, the tachanun is normally not said. This hit home...In my Talmud study class we have been studying what a community does in the time of drought. We have covered many topics such as how food should be shared, how people should not leave the community to go elsewhere for their own safety, but should think about the need of the community. During these discussions we have talked about how prayer is affected by national stress or tragedy and here we are. It's unbelievable that what was once theoretical is now the actual.

Thank you, Rabbi Melman from Chicago for including me in your minyan today.

Maybe I'll get to join your community again another day...

Maybe tomorrow I'll join in with a community in some other time zone!

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