A poem for the Siyyum of Bava Metzia, a Masechet of details and law.
This is the 22d Masechet that we have completed in this cycle of Daf Yomi.
More on this Masechet here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://images.shulcloud.com/4182/uploads/Archives/IntroductiontoBavaMeztia.pdf
Thank you, Talking Talmud,Yardaena and Anne and all you who encourage me
to write these poems.
More will be added to this post soon....the things that I remember from this huge book of cases.
May we hear good news soon.
fine print
into drawers,
hidden in
rusty file cabinets,
crumpled notes
stuffed into
forgotten shelves,
clipped and banded.
Bound volumes
lining shelves
patiently waiting
until needed
fine print
has time on its side.
packed with
Big words,
real problems
some simple
and some difficult
to imagine.
Solutions appear
in the fine print
When to’s,
Where to's,
How to’s
Why to’s, too
Who belongs to what
What belongs to who
Why and when.
Who deserves?
Whose fault?
Who owes?
Who pays?
Who gets?
Who gives ?
What is fair
and most certainly
what is not?
What’s mine,
what’s yours
and why.
Peer in.
you'll find
floors and ceilings,
lost and found,
Fields and marketplaces.
Pets and pantries,
Loans and interest,
families, businesses,
rich and poor
you and me
out in the world.
The fine print.
passes over you
like a puff of wind
the questions
there is no answer at all,
waiting for another day.
Fine print.
it is not.
So small
The print is barely visible
one peers,
eyes so close to the page,
in that whirlwind of words
for answers,
hidden in plain sight
if we can find them.
Someone bothered
to write it down
Word for word
Phrase for phrase
Letter for letter
Scratches on papyrus
Or a leather bound volume
Each of us owns
and sometimes needs
fine print
It surely won’t dazzle
you just might find
your life hidden there.
stuffed into drawers, hidden in rusty file cabinets Crumpled notes
Stuffed into pockets clipped and banded Stored until needed
fine print
legalese packed with what ifs Inconsistencies Problems
solutions fine print The When to’s, Where to's,
How to’s Why to’s, too shoulds and shouldn'ts.
Who belongs to what What belongs to who
What’s mine, what’s yours Floors and ceilings,
lost and found,, Fields and homes, Pets and pantries,
Loans and interest, days and nights who owes?Who pays?
who gets? who gives ? Who is friendand who is foe?
What is fair and most certainly what is not?
Fine print. passes through you, unsee yet,
Fine print answers all the questions But
sometimes Simply, Oddly There is no answer at all
and then there is more, There is always more. For each of us
there is fine print. waiting just for you. So small
The print is barely visible. and. one peers
eyes so close to the page. Searching. the tiny marching letters
for what they said. Somewhere in that. Whirling swirl of words
are the answers. Hidden in plain sight. if we can just find them.
For each of us there is fine print. Irrelevant. Until. the fine pirnt
is the mot relevant. of all. Someone bothered. To write it down
Word for word. Phrase for phrase Letter for letter. Scratches on papyrus
Or a leather bound volume. Or a pile of papers. Fine print
You just might find. Yourself. n the finest details
stuffed into drawers, hidden in rusty file cabinets Crumpled notes
Stuffed into pockets clipped and banded Stored until needed
fine print
legalese packed with what ifs Inconsistencies Problems
solutions fine print The When to’s, Where to's,
How to’s Why to’s, too shoulds and shouldn'ts.
Who belongs to what What belongs to who
What’s mine, what’s yours Floors and ceilings,
lost and found,, Fields and homes, Pets and pantries,
Loans and interest, days and nights who owes?Who pays?
who gets? who gives ? Who is friendand who is foe?
What is fair and most certainly what is not?
Fine print. passes through you, unsee yet,
Fine print answers all the questions But
sometimes Simply, Oddly There is no answer at all
and then there is more, There is always more. For each of us
there is fine print. waiting just for you. So small
The print is barely visible. and. one peers
eyes so close to the page. Searching. the tiny marching letters
for what they said. Somewhere in that. Whirling swirl of words
are the answers. Hidden in plain sight. if we can just find them.
For each of us there is fine print. Irrelevant. Until. the fine pirnt
is the mot relevant. of all. Someone bothered. To write it down
Word for word. Phrase for phrase Letter for letter. Scratches on papyrus
Or a leather bound volume. Or a pile of papers. Fine print
You just might find. Yourself. n the finest details
So complex and so true! You captured it beautifully Leann!