#lunchtime #apoemforlunch #messytables #solitarylunch #seeds #sodawater #kitchentables #saltshaker #saltshaker #eggplantsalad #ihaveapoemtowrite #dishestomorrow
A Poem For Lunch
A sorry salad and humus
accompany me to lunch.
Thanks for the invitation.
My only company
A fly on the hunt for better snacks,
for there are always better snacks
The kitchen table is a launchpad
a map of springtime
plans and green plants
come rain or shine
Seed packages cascade
Over a bridge of books.
Titles wait patiently
Day after day their eyeless covers implore,
"Maybe today?"
I reply with a sniff,
"Maybe tomorrow?"
Words of wisdom scattered
Like salt over the table.
The salad dressing converses with the seltzer bottle,
as the salt shaker looks on with envy
wishing he was included
in the daily gossip.
The weekly newspaper
lies crumpled with disappointment
that my eyes are elsewhere
And not on all the news fit to print.
The napkins nap, all curled up in repose
Their snores dulled by the breeze,
blown in through the open door.
A lone jar of eggplant salad
stands tall as a lighthouse in a sea of seeds.
It is having a secret conversation with the mayor of Newton
I wish I was privy to their words...
I lean down a little closer
but my hair dips into my humus
I'm up in a flash.
So much to do between bites
Fingers to lick,
Gardens to plan,
Puzzles to solve,
Dreams to dream.
Tables to clean
someday soon.
Dishes not to do.
Maybe later.
I have a poem to write.
