Oh, to be a dog on a warm December day!
To bound out of your stuffy December house,
from your sleepy afternoon nap
and know that you are heading to your
happy place....the place of your dreams,
the dog park.
No slow sniffing on this walk!
You have places to go,
dogs to meet!
Oh, to be a dog on a warm December day,
when the weather should be cold and frosty.
To find the dog park full of fabulous friends.
Big and small,
sleek or furry,
fast or slow;
smelly or stinky,
mutts or purebreds,
It's all the same when you are at the dog park
on a warm December day.
Nothing worries you if you are dog.
No fear of Covid,
no fear of supply chain issues,
or global warming,
or politics.
The park is your place,
your dog Disney theme park;
a wide expanse of green and brown,
a place to run like the wind.
A place to be your wild self,
the way you were meant to be.
To chase dreams,
to chase dogs,
or a ball,
to chase your own tail.
It's all fair game
when you are dog
at the dog park
on a warm December day.
All is well when you are running
the field is endless,
there are infinite places to sniff,
treats are everywhere to be found...
You run so fast that you could fly,
you could grow wings....
Life is a game of toss and catch
when you are a dog
at the dog park
on a warm December day.