#xoygen #heartbeats #pulse #covidpoetry #ourpresident #pressconferences #wordshavewings #daysofquarantine #takingyourtemperature #oximeter
Days of quarantine
Weeks of quarantine
Months of quarantine
Years of quarantine
Record the numbers for the historical record
Remember these numbers in the history books
One hundred years
Never in a million years
The impossible occurred
Now what?
6 feet
Repeat 6 feet
Ages of people
Above 60
Above 50
Above 30, 20, 10
Sounds like Abraham bargaining with God
Over the destruction of a town, a people
How many letters in pandemic and quarantine
How many people do we see in a day
When we are all alone
How many people do we miss
How many hugs will never be recovered
How many tears are shed instead
One tear for one hug
What a deal
How many steps do we walk with masks covering our faces
How many are in line at the market
How many unemployed
How many hours does the president speak at a press conference
How many are at the beach and the park
How many hours do we sleep at night
How many squares are on the Zoom screen
How many hours do we waste
How many days of fever
How high do fevers go
3 days of fever
6,9, 12 days of fever
Important numbers
Recorded numbers
Keep a record
Records mark a time
Mark fear, mark sickness and nail-biting fear
Spreadsheets that echo breaths and heartbeats
How many breaths per minute?
6 deep breaths in
one exhale and a cough
94, 95, 96
Breathe in, breathe out
Deep, deeper, deepest breaths
Breaths are life
Keep counting
How many people are sick
1, 6, 100, 2000, 30,000, 75,000, 100,000, 463,567
Important numbers
Each number a person
Each person a life
People dying alone
Counting their breaths
How many good byes not spoken
How many people are gone
In a flash- they go alone into the night
One day here, next day gone
Numbers of people waiting to go to heaven
