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Leann Shamash
6 hours ago3 min read
The Account of the Clownfish
Parshat Beshalach is the Parshah of miracles and music. Aside from the revelation at Sinai, it is one of the memorable and descriptive of...

Leann Shamash
Jan 284 min read
Now I Remember
#passover #pesach #remember #rememberpassover #Zachor #parshatbo #bo Hello! Acknowledging that both Parshat Vaera and Parshat Bo are...

Leann Shamash
Jan 214 min read
Oh Yes, We Have Witnessed a Plague
#Vaera #shmot #shemot #exodus #plagues #makot #pharaoh I have a nickname for this week’s parsha, which is Passover in January . In...

Leann Shamash
Jan 143 min read
That Hand Upon Your Shoulder
Welcome to first parsha of Sefer Shemot. Within the first chapters, we are introduced to Moshe and a whole new cast of characters as our...

Leann Shamash
Jan 74 min read
Seven Blessings
#blessings #parshatvayechi #parshatvayehi #sevenblessings #weddings #weddingblessings #breisheet #yaakov #blessingsofjacob A few weeks...

Leann Shamash
Jan 52 min read
Seventy Souls
Hi! This is a day or two late since my server has not been working. We read Parshat Vayigash yesterday, but I hope it is not too late for...

Leann Shamash
Dec 30, 20241 min read
The Match: A Tiny Chanukah Story
The match lives for but three seconds. It lies sleeping for months, maybe years, in a sealed and dry box, deep in a kitchen junk drawer,...

Leann Shamash
Dec 24, 20243 min read
The 500th Post of Words Have Wings: Collected Dreams
#breisheet #parshatmiketz #chanukah #wordshavewings #parshapoetry #Joseph #dreams #listening #payattention Dear Readers, Welcome to the...

Leann Shamash
Dec 18, 20244 min read
The Agunah: Parshat Vayeishev
#breisheet #parshatvayeishev #vayeishev Hello Readers, Welcome to the last part of Genesis where we explore the story of Joseph. Parshat...

Leann Shamash
Dec 12, 20244 min read
On the Murmurations of Starlings
#parshatvayishlach Greetings, Events around us seem to pass so quickly these past months. As news stories tumble into one another,...

Leann Shamash
Dec 3, 20244 min read
Tefillat Haderech
Many years ago, when I met my husband, he would begin any considerable drive in the car with the words, B'shem HaShem Na’aseh V’natzliach...

Leann Shamash
Nov 26, 20243 min read
Dig That Well!
In Perek 26 of the Parsha Toldot, we veer from the classic tale of the birth of Esav and Yaakov and the drama associated with their...

Leann Shamash
Nov 20, 20243 min read
. It takes a colossus to squeeze himself small enough to allow another’s dreams to come true, in a world grown wild ...

Leann Shamash
Nov 13, 20244 min read
Parshat Vayera-Searching
Parshat Vayera is a composed of a number of intertwined stories. The stories of three women appear through the thread of the stories. ...

Leann Shamash
Nov 5, 20243 min read
Lech Lecha, Lechi Lach
#wedding #chuppah #parshatlechlecha #avraham #sarah #journeys Parshat Lech Lecha (translated as "You shall go") is a parsha that...

Leann Shamash
Oct 29, 20243 min read
One Still Morning
#Parshatnoach #noach #destruction #storm #clouds #rainbow Dear Readers, Parshat Noach is about destruction. It is about a God that has...

Leann Shamash
Oct 23, 20244 min read
B'tzelem Elokim (In the Image of God)
Hello, Shalom Aleichem, (peace to you), As it is with so many stages of our lives, we finish something and we begin anew, with a attitude...

Leann Shamash
Oct 15, 20245 min read
Oh, Build Me a Sukkah!
#sukkot Last night, in advance of Sukkot, I remembered something from Daf Yomi, Masechet Sukah. It was one of those strange discussions...

Leann Shamash
Oct 7, 20243 min read
Mother Tree
#october7 #endings #beginnings Today is October 7th. It is also the middle of Aseret Y'mai Teshuva, the days of repentance. There are...

Leann Shamash
Sep 24, 20242 min read
#parshatnetzavim #parshatvayelech Can you believe it? We are approaching the end of another torah cycle. This week we read two short...

Leann Shamash
Sep 18, 20243 min read
On the Same Page
#parshatkitavo This is the Parsha of the blessings and the curses. Moshe is nearly finished with his speech. The contract is nearly...

Leann Shamash
Sep 12, 20242 min read
Ki Teitzei contains 74 (!!!) mitzvot, 27 positive and 47 prohibitions (from Torah Tidbits). Some of these mitzvot are easy to understand...

Leann Shamash
Sep 4, 20241 min read
#shoftim #footprints In Parshat Shoftim we learn about governing a society. Who shall rule from the smallest issues to the way a king...

Leann Shamash
Aug 30, 20241 min read
See- Re'eh
Parshat Re'eh speaks to every one of us and asks us to see the differences between the blessings and the curses. We are told to choose...
Welcome to "Words Have Wings."
During the year following the death of a parent it is their children's responsibility to say the kaddish. This blog is a series of reflections while saying the kaddish for my late mother, Irma Gershkowitz.
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