#story #abillionstories #yourstory #tellyourstory #covid19 #coronavirus #everyonehasastorytotell #iliveinahouse #apartments #homes #stories

I live in a house
So do you
Or an apartment
Crowded or small
A walk-up or on the 37th floor
Down under or
Above the clouds
You live in Paris or London
Beirut or Beer Sheva
Calcutta or Nairobi
Savannah or Kansas City
By a lake or a river
By a train station or a corn field
In this house is a graduate
In this apartment is an old person who lives alone
In this walk-up is a nurse sleeping fitfully
Or a person who delivers pizza
Next door they got a new dog
And down the street a baby is born
Around the block a grandmother died
His wedding was canceled
Her daughter is sick
Your neighbor is afraid to go out,
Has bad dreams at night
A man on the street is shot
Around the bend a woman is beaten
People are hungry
He misses music and she misses her boyfriend
He planted his first garden and she loves a cookie each day
He lost his job and she doesn't sleep at night
He fears the illness and she has new fears each day
He works out and she meditates every morning
He misses his grandchildren and she misses her mother
Everyone has a story waiting to be written
In the back of your mind
On the tip of your tongue
About bravery and guts, about being alone
Or missing a hug
About working or waiting or laughing and sharing
Puppies and recipes, worry
Finding food or feeling unsafe
Politics, bad and worse or no justice for all.
Look through the door
Peek through the window
Climb up the ladder and peer in.
There is a story in every household,
Tales alive in your heart. Find them.
Stories that are written are recalled.
Now and not tomorrow.
Now and for tomorrow.
Remember. Your story.
