I am 63
Barry is 62
Paul is 59.
We sit on a bench following morning minyan.
Heads bowed.
Hands on our laps
We are orphans now.
We have children of our own
Grandchildren even
Jobs and joys
But we are orphans now
Heads bent to catch the words
of comfort
Ten men covered by their talitot
Enveloped in wool and linen
They bend over us
We three children
We three orphans
Saying words of comfort
Mumbled words in a rhythmic chant
Words pour over us like honey
We are covered with their power
Hugged by their cadence
Caressed by their meaning
As our mother once caressed our hair
our backs
our arms, our legs
We are caressed with these words of comfort
We three orphans
Sitting low on a bench
